Sarah Shah, National TV Image Expert, Author & Speaker
Sarah Shah, Image & TV Expert, Speaker and Author of Dress Yourself Skinny: Dressing The Body You Have, To Look Like The Body You Want. Contact Sarah at: 617-501-8055 (cell phone), 713-686-8587 (office), or
What Producers Say About Sarah
"Sarah is one of the most professional, organized, dependable, thoughtful, and inventive women I know. And she's so easy to work with. I can give her a topic and a date and I don't have to follow up a million times. Her talking points, model names, props, and sources are always ready when I need them. If a segment needs tweaking, it's never a problem and gets done to my (or my bosses') satisfaction. She NEVER lets me down!
What makes Sarah truely great, however, is her joy in helping other women feel confident and powerful by matching their outside appearance to their remarkable personalities within. It's her gift.
She is always a wonderful addition as an expert on Great Day Houston and the audience loves her. " - Sabrina Miskelly, Segment Producer/Line Producer, Great Day Houston, KHOU Channel 11. Asks Who Is The Biggest Fashion Icon In All Of Sports?
Sarah gives her take on Dwayne Wade's crisp and elegant style on Yahoo Off the court, Dwayne looks like he stepped of the pages of GQ ... Asked Sarah "What Do Your Sunglasses Say About You?"